Tell me why im waiting here for someone lyrics
Tell me why im waiting here for someone lyrics

It has been a hard-fought battle, having to rely on Him to work out situations that I could not, and learning oatience when I did not want to do so, but I have found that relinquishing my stubborn will and the desires of my heart to Him always leads me in the right direction, and I end up receiving many more blessings than if I had had my own way. I love this song because it speaks to me about one of the hardest things I have had to learn about what God has for me – His perfect timing.

tell me why im waiting here for someone lyrics

I pray that my sharing will help someone know that Our Savior is BIGGER than our hurts and fears. It is only thru God’s Gracy and His Mercy that I can continue to Love a man so broken and in pain and realize that only God can heal and restore back to Himself. I have begun to make amends to the people I have failed and already the Lord is quieting my broken spirit and heart. But I want to Praise God and say thank you for always being there when I am in so much pain that I don’t even want to take another breath. I want to love in a way that brings Honor and Glory to My Savior even if the man I love will never return my feelings and can walk away so easily after years of our friendship.

tell me why im waiting here for someone lyrics

God also brought to remembrance I Cor 13. I pray for His Strength to serve, worship, and wait on His Will and Leading for my life. I heard this song a long while back and the Lord brought it to my thoughts and heart again today. I spent a lifetime waiting for him to came along but now truly need God’s strength to wait on Him to let me know if all my love was in vain. It is very difficult to love someone when they take what you have to give but let you know that you will never break thru their barriers and touch their heart. Today will be remembered as one where the Lord needed to bring me to my knees to finally get my attention.

Tell me why im waiting here for someone lyrics